Urban Self-Defense & the LAW

Street-Smart Tactics & Strategies

Myths & Misinformation

Conference 2024

Lethal Force Gun Laws Tactics

& Strategies Conference

Urban Self-Defense & the LAW

Street-Smart Tactics & Strategies

Myths & Misinformation

Conference 2024

Welcome to the November 14-19, 2024, Washington Conference!

WHEN will you need to know and understand the Laws of Self Defense?

Answer: At your trial...

We begin with; “What if...”?

“What If...”? is a great conversation starter. Every time we solve the problem at hand, we can be sidetracked by the next; “Yeah ... BUT What If ...”?

“What If” can be an endless labyrinth. An endless game of Whack-a-Mole.

What to expect? If you are ever confronted by an inescapable threat that could result in your serious bodily injury ... OR ... The possibility of our DEATH ...

We can EXPECT such a threat will come at great speed and with great violence.

The SURVIVOR of such a threat will have planned for such a happening, and will be the speedy-est and the violent-est.

Those that learn from the experiences of others take a shortcut to the head of the Survivor Line.

These 6 Days are all about GUN LAWS and the Judicious Use of Lethal Force in Self Defense. You will learn first-hand from some of our nation’s most talented Presenters. Together, they truly make up a Dream Team.

This is the only event where they are all together, in the same place, on the same stage, at the same time

Conference Schedule & Speakers

November 14th-19th, 2024 8am to 5pm

Conference Speakers:


The 2024 Conference has a very diverse lineup of speakers, showcasing their distinctively different backgrounds and life experiences.

Ed Monk returns to our stage to clarify the meaning and intent of our United States Constitution and how it benefits our daily lives.


What about the current Active Shooter problem, and how to minimize the victim count? We will study those
proven Tactics & Strategies of those involved and the responders.


John Hearne is a national instructor and will be on our stage for the first time this year.


We will learn the most accurate details from a couple of the deadliest shoot-outs in our history and how those battles changed Active Shooter Protocols nationwide


It is possible to win the inescapable violence of the Gunfight, only to lose EVERYTHING in the following Court Fight!


What about the AFTERMATH?

It isn’t over …until it’s OVER. Many of us train and prepare extensively to survive the attack on our LIFE.

the violence of the Gun Fight.

Only to wind up in a Criminal Courtroom UNPREPARED for the attack on our FREEDOM!

Speaker JB Herren

JB Herren brings his 40+ years of training experience to set the stage.

JB will will honor good friend & past speaker Jim Fleming by carrying on his teachings on Aftermath: Lessons in Self-Defense. This will include our popular case study scenarios.

J.B. will transform the classroom into a (faux) violent attack encounter, and you will become involved in the process of what happens next.  You will come away with an increased knowledge and understanding of Gun Laws and the Judicious Use of Deadly Force.  

This is class-participation.  You may become part of the action. You will witness a felonious scenario acted out in our classroom-courtroom.  What did you see?  Be a good witness.
Articulate the details to our arriving officers, on-scene. Can you identify the evidence involved in the attack?  Who initiated the assault?  Who caused the violence?  Could any of that violence been avoided?  Were there any other choices available that may have led to a different result?  

What were the circumstances that led up to the attack?  What did you see?  Can you articulate what happened to the arriving investigators?  And most importantly; how would you handle the AFTERMATH of the assault?  Were you the one involved in the shooting?  What would you say? … And to WHOM would you say it?  Silence may not be the best answer … and unbridled statements and accusations may only make matters worse.  

This class will guide you through the complicated maze of Gun Laws & the Judicious use of Deadly Force.  No two encounters will ever be exactly the same. You must know and UNDERSTAND the laws surrounding the use of deadly force BEFORE you are forced to defend your life … and the lives of your loved-ones.  

This is the AFTERMATH of the attack: Solving Problem #2    

Gun Laws Matter  

If you know and understand the laws and protocols surrounding the use of deadly force during a lethal encounter and you will become part of the plan … and part of the solution.   If you are ignorant of the law (and that is never an excuse) you will become part of the problem.   In a deadly encounter you will be faced with solving TWO problems:

  · Problem #1: SURVIVE the attack. You will need the proper

gear and the training to use it, in order to survive the attack.

· Problem #2: IF you survive the assault, now you must survive

the courtroom attack. You will need to understand the laws

surrounding the prudent and judicious use of the deadly force.  

During this presentation you will learn what to expect if you DO manage to solve Problem #1 … and are now faced with surviving Problem #2.  

· What do you say, and to whom?

· How would you preserve the witnesses and the evidence?

· How do you deal with neighbors, friends, your own family, the

media and the police?

· How would you protect yourself legally in the ongoing battle to

safeguard your life and liberty?

The Laws of Lethal Force. You will come away knowing more than ever about how the Law guides us through the legal maze that is bound to follow any serious self-defense incident. You MUST know and Understand the LAW ... Because ... IGNORANCE of the Law will never be an excuse, nor an effective defense at your trial.

Speaker Ed Monk

With experience as a police officer, school teacher, firearms trainer and U.S. Army Officer, Ed Monk has been researching, writing and providing training on the Active Shooter Threat for than a decade. Ed has trained Law Enforcement Agencies and the armed staff of schools and churches. He has given presentations on Active Shooters to audiences all across our country.

At the Conference this November, Ed brings us his fast-paced & information-packed presentation on the detailed study of the Active Shooter Threat. Maybe at the Mall. Maybe at the Church. Maybe at the School. When faced with a sudden deadly threat, Ed will give us proven methods of dominating and controlling and otherwise chaotic avalanche of violence.

Such attacks can be confusing and complicated:

What attendees will learn:

- Why TIME & MATH clearly show that an armed citizen present at an attack gives the best chance of minimizing victim count

- Why our country has FAILED for 40+ years at responding to this attack

- Why and how most school. church, and business Active Shooter response plans need to be changed - The 3 response options for organizations, and which is best

- The 3 response options for individuals, and how to choose

- Lessons-learned from past attacks - How armed citizens can improve their readiness to respond 

You will come away with more confidence and more reliable information that will allow you to put together a plan best suited for YOU and your family.

Ed will also give nearly a semester's study on the Declaration of Independence & the United States Constitution and our Bill of Rights and the Constitutional Amendments 11-27.

Speaker Pastor David George

Pastor George will talk about the Walmart shooting in June 2018.

As he heard the gunshots from the back of the Tumwater Walmart, David George wondered if his family was safe — and then his training kicked in. George, a pastor, concealed-pistol carrier and EMS, will give his account of stopping the shooter.

Speaker John Hearne

Defeating Violent Criminals: A Conceptual and Tactical Analysis

This course offers both an academic and practical understanding of who criminals are, how criminals operate, and how to defeat them. Divided into four sections, the first section offers a general overview of violent crime in the United States, the types of criminals, their motivations, how they select victims, and strategies for avoiding becoming a victim. The second section

reviews fifteen years of FBI research into bad guys, good guys and their interactions, research which remains the gold standard for understanding these topics. The last two sections are case studies of two significant gunfights involving apex criminal predators - the Newhall Massacre and the FBI-Miami Firefight. The case studies are not limited to weapons carried and mistakes

made but include extensive coverage of the bad guys, their histories and motivations, in order to understand how significant the high end offender can be.

This class is intended for a general audience with questions about

self-defense and being safer. The case studies focus on serious lessons for the general public.

Topics Include:

Prevalence of Crime in U.S.

Property Crime Concerns

Career Violent Criminals

Motivations for Crime

Types of Criminals

Victim Selection

Effective Avoidance & Deselection

High v. Low Responders

Gang Members

Tool Acquisition & Use

Brain Considerations

Training Implications

The Deadly Mix Model

Good Guy v. Bad Guy Backgrounds

Detailed Analysis of the Newhall Massacre

Detailed Analysis of the FBI-Miami Firefight

Urban Self-Defense & the LAW

Street-Smart Tactics & Strategies

6-Day Tuition: $6995

Early-bird Tuition: $4995

Single Day Price: $1776

After these six days you will come away feeling you have a full semester of knowledge that will make the difference on knowing WHAT to do ... and WHEN to do it!

What’s included?  

· Conference 3-ring binder to accommodate the presentation outlines from our trainers.  

· Daily printed topic outlines and information for each day’s curriculum.  

· Coffee and water service. Healthy & non-healthy snacks & nibbles.

Early-bird registrations may qualify for additional lodging and meals bonuses. Call for details at (360) 378-1776

About us

About us

Old School Gun School was established to provide quality firearms and personal protection safety and skills for law-abiding American Citizens. We provide the necessary education and training to protect yourself and your loved ones should that terrible day every come. It is our goal to provide you the knowledge and skills to be a safe, ethical and responsible gun owner. Our classes are designed for the motivated student dedicated to the serious choice of firearm ownership. It is our passion to help others to improve their personal awareness, confidence level, firearm and safety skills, no matter what their experience level is.

All Tuitions for Courses and Tutorials are to be paid in full at the time of registration.

Please be sure of the class you want. There are NO REFUNDS and NO TRANSFERS.

Stay In Touch With Us:

P.O. Box 999, Chehalis, WA 98532

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