Defensive Handgun

The 2-Day Fundamentals

CCW Qualification

Defensive Handgun

2-Day Fundamentals

CCW Qualification

In the Defensive Handgun 2-Day Fundamentals CCW Qualification Course, you will have the certifications and all necessary paperwork needed to apply for CCW license/permits for Arizona, Utah, Oregon, & the Idaho Standard

DAY ONE: This is a full-day Defensive Handgun Safety & Gear Selection course. You will learn firearm safety inside & outside the home, PLUS Gear Selection. If you have made the decision to carry a defensive handgun, then you have taken the responsibility to do so knowledgeably and safely. This day is an informational day for the evaluation of different handguns, ammo, holsters, and concealment choices

DAY TWO: We add our most popular class topic: GUN LAWS & The Judicious Use of Lethal Force. You must not only choose the right gear to protect yourself and your loved ones, and be able to use it safely, it is ALSO your responsibility to fully know AND understand the protocols and laws surrounding the use of lethal force. If you survive the gunfight, then you may be faced with the second attack. You must also survive the court-fight. Real-Life is not like a Hollywood movie. These two days meet or exceed full qualification for CCW licenses/permits issued from Arizona,

Utah, Oregon and the Idaho Standard

Tuition per student $950

Upcoming Dates & Locations:

Please call to find the perfect date and location. We will be posting new dates for this year soon but we LOVE to customize to fit your needs (mix and match as needed)


Choose Your Location | Then Find Your Date


La Quinta

1425 E. 27th Street

Saturday & Sunday


Holiday Inn

8606 36th Ave NE

Saturday & Sunday


Peppermill Inn

1233 Alder Street

Saturday & Sundays


Location Coming Soon

Saturday & Sunday


Location Coming Soon

Wed., Thurs. & Fri.

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HB 1143


Oregon CHL


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All Tuitions for Courses and Tutorials are to be paid in full at the time of registration.

Please be sure of the class you want. There are NO REFUNDS and NO TRANSFERS.

About Old School Gun School

Old School Gun School was established to provide quality firearms and personal protection safety and skills for law-abiding American Citizens. We provide the necessary education and training to protect yourself and your loved ones should that terrible day every come. It is our goal to provide you the knowledge and skills to be a safe, ethical and responsible gun owner. Our classes are designed for the motivated student dedicated to the serious choice of firearm ownership. It is our passion to help others to improve their personal awareness, confidence level, firearm and safety skills, no matter what their experience level is.

Stay In Touch With Us:

P.O. Box 999, Chehalis, WA 98532

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