Defensive Cane Tactics
Defensive Handgun Safety Evening class
Defensive Cane Tactics
A Walking Cane is often considered a Mobility Device. A proper Walking Cane may also be effective as a Personal Defensive tool.
Walking Canes are accepted:
... Onboard Airlines
… Government Buildings
... Gun-Free Zones
... Almost Everywhere!
With professional training, a proper Walking Cane may become a “Personal Protection Device”. This course will give you the skills and techniques to add a layer of confidence wherever you travel.
Defensive Cane Tactics
Saturday, December 7th
Tuition per student: $775
Includes training defensive cane. (upgrades available)
This is defensive training you can bet your life on!
Be safe! Be responsible! Be skillful! Be respectful!
About us
About us
Old School Gun School was established to provide quality firearms and personal protection safety and skills for law-abiding American Citizens. We provide the necessary education and training to protect yourself and your loved ones should that terrible day every come. It is our goal to provide you the knowledge and skills to be a safe, ethical and responsible gun owner. Our classes are designed for the motivated student dedicated to the serious choice of firearm ownership. It is our passion to help others to improve their personal awareness, confidence level, firearm and safety skills, no matter what their experience level is.
All Tuitions for Courses and Tutorials are to be paid in full at the time of registration.
Please be sure of the class you want. There are NO REFUNDS and NO TRANSFERS.